Friday, October 6, 2006


No.. Not the singer!
The colour!
And all shades of them.. Most of them Shocking pink! Great one! Less of the baby-colours!

The people that know me quite well, know that I've got a soft spot for that colour...
Resulting in me buying a lot of things just because of it's colour..
Shocking pink umbrella
Shocking pink wallet
Shocking pink hairbrush
Loads of pink things in my wardrobe
Pink letters on MSN
Pink background on my weblog
Even buy shampoo, conditioner, hairspray or make-up just because of the pink package...
Nuts!! I know..
But it's not like I only wear pink, or use pink things.. Not that crazy.. Just to add a bit of colour to my life...

Yesterday Riggers came back from Malta.. Too tanned for words, hardly recognised him!!! His Eyes are even brighter now! Pfffff help!!!
Nick came over so Lee could fix his tip.
Went out for dinner...
And then finally a nice night in!
And I got my present!!! A pink watch!!! :D I love it!!!
But I'm horrible with watches.. Always lose them! But I'll be more carefull with this one!

So.. I've got another item for the PINK collection... Better watch out...

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